Whichard Family 

I can trace my family back to a James Wishard who died about 1680 in Little Creek, near Norfolk, Virginia.  Information about this James and his descendants can be found in the document listed below.  I have used many sources for the information in that document and I have given credit where I knew the source.

The bulk of my personal research has been on the descendants of my Great-Grandfather, Willis R. Whichard who was born in 1833 and whose first name I also bear.  His son, Lee Roy Whichard, was my grandfather and a great pal of mine.  Some of my fondest memories are those of "coming home" to visit Grandpa.  He was always glad to take time with me and explain those things that only a grandfather can explain properly.  The last time I was able to talk to him, I was home waiting to go into the Air Force and went to see him.  He told me that there was a covey of quail along the woods line and asked if I'd like to go see where they were so I could hunt them the next time I was home.  This 81 year old man just about walked this then 21 year old whipper snapper into the ground as we searched for and found a really nice covey.  He told me that he had not told anyone else of his discovery and that those birds were mine.  He was that kind of Grandpa.

Among the hundred (I haven't actually counted them) or so descendants of Willis R. Whichard are a former justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, a college professor, and a Great-Great Granddaughter who holds two Doctorate degrees - to mention just a few.  Not too bad for a farmer and magistrate fro the North end of Pitt county!

I hope that this work on my part will give some sense of our family to my grandsons and all the other Whichards out there.


A pdf descendants book for James Wishard (Temporarily off line)

A web page with the same info as in the above pdf file - James Wishard  (Temporarily off line)

A pdf chart of the descendants of Lee Roy Whichard which is a subset of the above book.

A pdf ancestor book for Collin Cornelius.